Leather Products

SY-520 (preservative)

SY-520 inhibits this growth reproduction of Bacteria in numerical terms, thereby reducing blood damage as much as possible, and minimizes the trouble in any chemical or mechanical treatment in numerical quantities, thereby achieving the best quality of the original skin.

Product Sacred Image
Appearance Light green transparent liquid phase
Creation Fourth-grade ammonium salt
Ionic nature Nonionic
pH(10%) 5.0 - 0.5
Solubility Dissolve easily in cold water

Product characteristics
- SY-520 is sterilized without affecting the living body, so it does not kill the enzymes used for hair loss, but only the Bacteria is screened and growth inhibits growth.
- SY-520 has excellent effects such as preventing the production of Pin Hole, contributing to higher leather production.
- SY-520 gives flexibility to leather, thus contributing to the prevention of hardening of leather.
