Industrial Cleaning Products

SY-W310 (eco-friendly high-function water system cleaner)

Environmental pollution caused by existing alkaline and solvent-type de-oxidants as industrial water system cleaning agents And it is a product developed to solve the generation of waste water in large quantities, even in low concentrations.It is a high-functioning cleanser that shows excellent cleaning and is environmentally friendly.
Application field
- It is widely used in various stem cutting and forging products such as inserts and shafts, precision parts in optical communication, and non-ferrous metals such as PCB cleaning, lenses, and plastics.

- 20KG, 200KG (Drum)

Legal regulations
category SY-W310
Industrial Safety and Health Act Not applicable
Chemical Control Act Not applicable
Dangerous Goods Safety Control Act Not applicable
Industrial Safety and Health ActSpecial management materials--Formative toxicity Not applicable
Industrial Safety and Health ActSpecial management materials--Generative cell mutagenicity Not applicable
carcinogenicity Industrial Safety and Health Act Not applicable
Ministry of Employment and Labor Notice Not applicable
IARC Not applicable
OSHA Not applicable
ACGIH Not applicable
NTP Not applicable
EU CLP Not applicable
Montreal's Sympathy Material Not applicable