Industrial Cleaning Products

CALEANER-8000C (IV Catheter cleaning agent)

CALEANER-8000C is a U.S. FDA-approved product that combines excellent cleaning power and fast evaporation to remove various silicon solutions as well as oils attached to the application surface, especially during medical needle cutting and implant processing.
Application field
- Medical needle cutting, implant processing, eyeglasses, camera parts, watch parts, and various metal cleaning

- 230KG PE Drum

Comparison of legal regulations
Comparison of legal regulations
category CALEANER-8000C
Industrial Safety and Health Act Working Environment Metrics
Hazardous substances subject to management
Exposure criteria set material
Chemical Control Act Not applicable
Dangerous Goods Safety Control Act Not applicable
Industrial Safety and Health ActSpecial management materials--Formative toxicity Not applicable
Industrial Safety and Health ActSpecial management materials--Generative cell mutagenicity Not applicable
carcinogenicity Industrial Safety and Health Act No data available
Ministry of Employment and Labor Notice No data available
IARC No data available
OSHA No data available
ACGIH No data available
NTP No data available
EU CLP No data available
Montreal's Sympathy Material Applicable