Semiconductor SiC Wafer Cutting Products

SY-EDR600 (Semiconductor SiC Wafer cleaner)

SY-EDR600 is an aqueous cleaning agent in the field of semiconductor SiC Wafer and electronic mechanical components and is a complex chemical containing surfactants, anti-corrosion agents, dispersants, etc. In particular, it has an excellent effect on cleaning slurry pollutants after cutting SiC Wafer. In addition, it is a high-functional aqueous cleaner that effectively deactivates heavy metal ions containing biodegradable chelating agents to prevent problems caused by metal ions contained in water.

Product Sacred Image

Transparent Liquid





Product Advantage

- It is an aqueous cleaning agent that can replace chlorine-based solvents and has high cleaning properties.

- There is little effect on SiC Wafer or material.

- It is safe for the human body and has excellent working environment.

- It can simultaneously clean solid-type contamination such as oil residue and inorganic powder.

- It is also an excellent sanitizer in terms of environmental safety.


Removing Slurry Pollutants in the Production of Semiconductor SiC Wafer

- 20KG PE, 200KG PE Drum, 1000KG IBC Tank