Semiconductor Silicon Wafer Cutting Products

SY-BC529 (Lapping Diversifier)

SY-BC529 is a dispersant for Lapping that is used in the initial Lapping process to trim into a Wafer shape after ingot cutting. Because the surface plate used in the Lapping process uses cast iron material that is prone to rust, dispersants should be highly audiovisual. It has excellent hearing-resistant and parcel-resistant, stable dispersion of particles, and excellent cleaning power.

Product Sacred Image
Appearance Yellowish Liquid
pH(20℃) 8.0~9.0(20℃)
Density(20℃, g/㎤) 1.05~1.06(20℃)

Product characteristics
- SY-BC529 is easy to clean because its main ingredient is water soluble.
- SY-BC529 exhibits excellent dispersibility and excellent anti-saturated and anti-corrosive properties.
- It maintains uniformity of slurry and improves reputation (degradation phenomenon) due to its excellent dispersibility during polishing.
- It is a wet dispersant that distributes slurry particles stably.


- 1000kg IBC Tank, 200kg PE Drum